Coaches for the 8th grade teams for the 2024 season should enter their contact information below in advance of the season itself. This will help speed up contacting coaches should your team receive an invitation to the 2024 Seton Championships in the fall. This DOES NOT guarantee an invitation and this is NOT the team tournament registration (details on that would be sent when invitations are given/accepted in the fall season).
The 2024 Seton dates are set! The tournament will run Oct. 28-Nov. 1 at the Milwaukee Sting Center, with the Final Four on Nov. 9-10 at Catholic Memorial High School. Mark your calendars!
Families looking to apply for the Waukesha County Catholic School Tuition Scholarships should click on the SCHOLARSHIPS tab on top of this page, download the application, and mail it to the address listed. The bottom of the application tells you where to direct any questions you may have. The Seton Tournament and its directors/committee only make the annual donation to the scholarship fund--a committee of Catholic school principals collaborate on reviewing applications and awarding scholarships.
The application deadline is April 1st.
One of the main beneficiaries of Seton funds is the Waukesha County Catholic School Tuition Assistance Fund, which issues $1,000 grants to assist families in need with paying a portion of their tuition expense. For more information on the fund and how to apply for a scholarship, please click on the SCHOLARSHIPS tab on the top of the page.
This tournament is a special thing near & dear to the hearts of those who volunteer to run it. You heard us mention in the prayer each night that this tournament supports Catholic Education in the Milwaukee Archdiocese. When the numbers are finalized this year we will be close to donating $131,000 over the past 18 years to allow children the opportunity to attend Catholic schools. In addition, almost $44,000 will have been donated to support the Foundation for Religious Retirement in the Milwaukee area. Thank you for supporting our efforts to accomplish this!
The Final Four field this year included the top 12 out of 68 teams who began the tournament. 16 matches in the tournament went 4 or 5 games, 81 total games were decided by 3 points or less, and 19 games went into extra points. All teams competing should take pride in their accomplishments this year! This year 700 athletes completed 156 matches over 7 days to crown 3 champions.
To make this tournament run, many people have a hand in making The Seton what it is. As Tournament Director I would like to publicly thank:
Our ACES sponsors, Catholic Memorial High School, Milwaukee Sting Volleyball Club, Radiology Waukesha, and Ewald Automotive Group for their generous financial support of the Seton Volleyball Tournament.
Our official photographer Glen Barkow of TosaSportsPics—please see his link on this website under 2023 Pictures for action photos from each court the entire tournament and official photos of the Final Four teams.
Tournament Officials – all of our officials are WIAA certified and many have worked the HS boys or girls State Tournaments.
All the Seton Committee members, especially Assistant Tournament Directors Jeremy Greasby and Mark Hickok for their tireless efforts helping this tournament run for more than a decade!
Our Division Directors – Alex & Kristi Colias (Boys), Renee Traeger (Girls Division 2), and Michael Bugenhagen (Girls Division 1) for their organization and helping coaches navigate the registration and check-in process.
Amanda Sutkiewicz – who worked to complete the submitted Happy Ads in our tournament program.
Seton Committee Members Keri Spencer & Kyle Brockman.
Dan Fodrocy and the entire Waukesha Catholic Athletic Board for their help and support throughout the tournament.
Catholic Memorial HS & members of the CMH boys & girls volleyball programs for assisting with Final Four line judging.
The Catholic Memorial Booster Club for providing concessions at CMH.
The Milwaukee Sting Center for all of their help and logistical support, as well as running concessions during the weeknight matches.
All the Waukesha Catholic student & parent volunteers who helped in big and small ways throughout the tournament.
Everyone in the neon yellow shirts, the line judges, admissions workers, division directors, and our tournament committee members are all volunteers. All-tolled this year over 300 volunteer slots were filled totaling over 1300 hours to make this tournament run. Most of the key tournament committee members spent over 40 hours present on-site during the tournament. I truly appreciate all that each one has done to make this tournament be the special event that it is for all of the teams, coaches, schools, and families participating.
We appreciate all of the personal comments of appreciation, thank you notes, and online messages. We do this for the kids and to support the causes which this tournament supports. Thank you for supporting our efforts and supporting all of the coaches, teams, and schools--without all of them this tournament does not happen.
Best of luck to all of the student athletes who participated in the tournament. We hope you made some wonderful memories and wish you the best of luck in high school!
The 2024 Seton dates are set! The tournament will run Oct. 28-Nov. 1 at the Milwaukee Sting Center, with the Final Four on Nov. 9-10 at Catholic Memorial High School. Mark your calendars!
The Milwaukee Sting Volleyball Club is a proud ACES sponsor of the 2023 Elizabeth Seton Volleyball Championships! Click on the logo to learn more about Milwaukee Sting and their volleyball opportunities for boys & girls from Kindergarten through high school age.
Follow THE SETON on social media by clicking above by the countdown clock!