First Round (Pool Play) - Tuesday October 29th at 5:30 pm (some teams may not play right away) @ Milwaukee Sting Center
2nd Round - Thursday October 31st at 5:30 pm @ Milwaukee Sting Center
3rd Round - Thursday October 31st at 7:30 pm @ Milwaukee Sting Center
Semi-Finals - Saturday November 9th at 4 pm @ Catholic Memorial HS
Finals (1st & 3rd Place Matches) - Sunday November 10th at 4 pm @ Catholic Memorial HS
New for 2023!
The Girls Division 2 format will be a 24 team pool play tournament. Pool play is round-robin within your pool (6 pools of 4 teams), with matches being played as 2 games to 21, cap of 23 (no 3rd game). 16 teams will advance to the 2nd round at 5:30 pm on Thursday (start of bracket play). Once the 2nd round begins, the tournament becomes a single-elimination bracket tournament, with matches played 3 out of 5 games. Games will be to 25 points, with the 5th game to 15, if needed. Once the winner of the match is determined, play will conclude. Winners of the 5:30 pm matches Thursday will play again at 7:30 pm the same night in the Third Round. Teams advancing to the final 4 on Saturday are all guaranteed to play on Sunday in either the championship or 3rd place match. Pools for the first round will be posted to the website one week before the tournament.
We will follow the rules of the Metro league (rules can be found under the LINKS tab on the left). A Libero can be used during the tournament. It will be your team’s responsibility to have a Libero tracker.
Game balls will be provided. You will need to bring your own warm up balls. We will not be responsible for lost balls, so please keep track of them as you proceed. Each team will be required to provide one person (experienced high school player or adult over the age of 18) to be a line judge for your match. Please have them report to the official ten minutes before game time.
Renee Traeger - - 262-853-9359