The following text is a copy of a special presentation that occurred prior to the start of the Girls Division 1 Championships on November 1, 2015:
Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Mark Hickok and I and the current President of the Waukesha Catholic Athletic Association. I am joined by The Seton Tournament Director, Tom McElmeel, former Board president and original Seton committee member Kevin Lang, Seton committee members Marc Schillinglaw, Theo Matt, and Paul Jelacic, and current AD Jeremy Greasby. We would like to welcome you to the final evening of the 2015 Seton Volleyball Championships. While we enjoy the premier volleyball tournament in the Milwaukee Archdiocese, it is important we understand that the Seton stands for much more than a great tournament. The Seton is named after St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, who is credited with starting the first American Catholic school, setting the stage for Catholic education as we know it. To honor her commitment to Catholic education, the Seton has donated nearly $63,000 over the last 10 years to the Waukesha County Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance Fund. St. Seton was also the founder of the Sisters of Charity religious order, which makes our thousands of dollars in donations to the Foundation for Religious Retirement, used to support retired clergy in our community, equally appropriate. I share these facts to help us all realize the significant impact the Seton has on our community.
As with most great endeavors, the Seton needed a champion to get it off the ground, and Tom McElmeel was that champion. It was not easy at first, but Tom worked hard to realize this dream and persevered. It is widely held that none of this would be possible if had not been for the relentless efforts of this man who worked countless hours with the Archdiocese to establish the context under which the Seton would operate. His work did not end there, as he went on to serve as tournament director for each of the first 10 years of the Seton, including this year’s Championships. He has been a tireless advocate for all athletes of all divisions, which is why having a Division 2 of the Seton was one of his requirements.
It is therefore our distinct honor to present this plaque honoring Tom McElmeel as founder of the Seton, recognizing his efforts in getting the tournament off the ground, and sharing our heartfelt appreciation for his 10 years of leadership to the Seton Championships. Thank you Tom for all you have done!