Q. How much is admission to The Seton?
A. Admission is $6 for adults, $4 for students and seniors. Children 5 and under admitted free. Online ticket sales, credit cards, and cash are accepted at both locations.
Q. Do you have a family admission rate?
A. No. Since this is a fundraising tournament supporting causes including Catholic education and Retired Religious, there is not a family rate. To date, over $122,000 has been donated from The Seton tournament to fund Catholic school tuition assistance!
Q. Do you accept passes to the tournament?
A. The only groups admitted free are Catholic School teachers & staff with current school IDs and approved 2024 sponsor passes. No GMPL or Milwaukee Sting Center passes will be accepted since we are an outside organization.
Q. Will the matches be live streamed?
A. No. The Milwaukee Sting Center may provide free wi-fi access for spectators to live stream on their own. There is no live stream or wi-fi available for the Final Four at Catholic Memorial.
Q. Are there concessions available?
A. Yes! The Milwaukee Sting Center will have their kitchen open with a variety of healthy food and beverages available, usually until 8 pm or so. The Catholic Memorial Booster Club will have concessions available for the Final Four. The Milwaukee Sting Center concessions will accept credit cards. Catholic Memorial will accept cash only.
Due to the financial support of The Seton tournament, The Seton will not allow outside food or drink at either the Milwaukee Sting Center or Catholic Memorial High School facilities during the tournament.
Q. How many teams get into The Seton each year?
A. 68 teams will be invited to the tournament (48 girls teams in 2 divisions, and 20 boys teams in 1 division). Both A and B teams will be invited among the 3 divisions.
Q. What are the qualifications to be eligible?
A. Teams must be 8th grade from a Catholic school or that play in a Catholic conference of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Schools must be in compliance with all Archdiocesan athletic policies.
Q. Where is The Seton tournament played?
A. Weekday games (Monday-Friday) are played at the Milwaukee Sting Center in Menomonee Falls. Saturday & Sunday Final Four matches are played at Catholic Memorial High School in Waukesha in their InPro Gymnasium.
Q. What is the tournament format?
A. The Seton is a pool-play tournament for the first round for all divisions (Boys 20 teams divided into 4 pools of 5; Girls Divisions divided into 6 pools of 4). 12 Boys teams will advance to bracket play; 16 Girls teams will advance to bracket play in each division. Once bracket play begins, the tournament will be single-elimination, best 3 out of 5 format (games 1-4 are to 25 points, game 5 to 15 points, win by 2). Games 4 & 5 are only played if needed to determine a winner. All Divisions compete in pool play on Monday (Boys--4 matches of 2 games to 19, cap at 21) and Tuesday/Wednesday (Girls D2 & D1--3 matches 2 games to 21, cap at 23) to set teams into their bracket, then compete in the same single-elimination format the remainder of the tournament.
Q. Does my team need to provide a line judge during our matches?
A. Yes, each team must provide 1 line judge (adult or experienced high school player at least 16 years old). No middle school or younger students will be allowed to line judge.
Q. Are teams allowed to use a libero?
A. Yes. Teams that use a libero must provide a libero tracker, either a rostered assistant coach on the bench or an adult/experienced player 16 years or older to sit at the scorer's table. Head coaches are NOT allowed to libero track. Libero tracking sheets must be turned in to the scorekeepers at the end of each match. Failure to follow those guidelines may result in teams not being allowed to use a libero. For more information on libero tracking and use please go to the Metro Conference referral in the Resources & Links section of our website.
Q. How do I enter The Seton?
A. The Seton is invitation only. 8th grade coaches should enter their contact information each fall on The Seton website. This will not increase the chances of an invite but will speed up the process if your school will be invited.
Q. Can I request which division I should enter?
A. No, The Seton does not accept requests for team entry or division assignments. Girls teams determined to be in the top 24 of the Archdiocese are assigned to Division 1, and the next 24 teams are assigned to Division 2.
Q. What if my school has multiple teams and one receives an invite while another with a better record has not yet?
A. Due to multiple divisions, sometimes we have to wait to see how records develop across the conferences to accurately place teams in the tournament (Girls Division 1 vs Girls Division 2). Sometimes we are looking to see if girls' teams will be in the top 24 and thus placed in Division 1 or fall just below that mark and be placed in Division 2. Some of the teams that end up in the top of Division 2 seeding-wise do not hear until Division 1 is full. (see previous Q&A regarding Division requests). Also, with different numbers of teams in conferences and by gender, and using different Division Directors, sometimes invites stagger out, even for the same school.
Q. If my school is not a top seed are we just there to allow top teams an "easy win"?
A. NO! In the past 8 years of the tournament the 3 divisions have only had the top 4 seeds advance to the Final Four three times. Both Girls Division 1 and Division 2 have had a team seeded 20th or lower advance to the Final Four since 2015. In 2024 the three division champions were a #2, #5, and #19 seeds going into the tournament. In 2021 Girls Division 2 had a #13 seed win over a #7 seed (#2 seed lost to #15 seed also).
Q. Do you use past history or last year's results to issue invites or to seed teams?
A. No! Because most players who play in The Seton graduate, one year has no bearing on the next, so we do not invite or seed teams based upon past Seton results or on 7th grade league results.
Q. How do I register my team?
A. Teams who receive invitations will receive detailed instructions on how to register their teams from their Division Director.
Q. What information will I need to register my team?
A. In order to register your team, you will need a team photo for the tournament program (.jpg format). You will need a roster (names & jersey numbers) for all rostered players. You will need T-shirt sizes for rostered players (unisex men's size shirts). You will also need the names, emails, and phone numbers for the coaches and athletic director/volleyball coordinator, school contact information, Pastor Name, school colors & mascot, and team league information. Coaches will receive a complete list of information needed, but getting the above information will speed up their team registration.
Q. Can I begin my team registration online, save it, then come back to finish it?
A. No. Currently our web host does not give us that capability. Registrations must be completed in one online session.
Q. Why do you need player T-shirt sizes?
A. The Seton gives each rostered player a T-shirt with the tournament logo on the front and tournament sponsor logos on the back.
Q. Do coaches receive T-shirts as well?
A. No, T-shirts are given only to the players. Head coaches are given a complimentary copy of the commemorative tournament program. If we have any extra shirts they will be made available for purchase at the admissions table near the tournament desk at the Milwaukee Sting Center or Catholic Memorial HS.
Q. What if my school wants to order warm-up shirts with The Seton logo?
A. The Seton logo may not be used by any vendors without the approval of the Seton Committee and Director.
Q. Can I combine my 8th grade teams for The Seton or bring up 7th graders to have subs on my bench?
A. No. Seton rosters must match the roster schools used for their 8th grade league, and those players must complete ONLY on that 8th grade team. 7th graders who play on a combined team that competes only at the 8th grade level ARE eligible. Players who compete on another 8th grade team or on a 7th grade level (or lower) roster are ineligible to play in The Seton. Teams that combine rosters or use ineligible players will forfeit their matches. Non-rostered players are not allowed on team benches.
Q. Can a 7th grader who plays on a 7th/8th grade combined team play in The Seton twice?
A. Yes. As long as the student played only on the combined team in 7th grade that played exclusively in an 8th grade league, the student could participate in The Seton again as an 8th grader. Students who play on 7th grade league teams are not eligible to participate in The Seton 7th grade year.
Q. I have players who play "sub" up on the 8th grade team and also play on a 6th or 7th grade team during the league season. Are they eligible to play in The Seton?
A. No. The Seton follows the Metro Conference and Archdiocesan rules, which allow for athletes to play on only 1 team during the season. We consider athletes not in 8th grade who play on two teams to be on the lower grade roster and are ineligible to play in The Seton. 8th graders should not be playing down on other teams.
Q. Can my team request to play on different days/times/locations?
A. The Seton does not adjust the play schedules for individual teams and will not move dates or locations for any reason. For first-round pool play matches, we do our best to consider travel time and who travels from greater distances. If a school has a specific request for the same day, we may be able to honor that prior to the seeding meeting, realizing to do so many lower a team's seed. Schools should make that request prior to registering their teams. Once the brackets are finalized changes will not be made for time requests.
Q. What if my team advances to the Final Four?
A. Teams that advance to the Final Four at Catholic Memorial HS will play on BOTH Saturday and Sunday (Championship & 3rd Place matches). There will be an award ceremony immediately after the conclusion of each Division's final match on Sunday.
Q. How do you promote good sportsmanship in such an intense tournament?
A. Each match both teams will select a player from the opposing team to give a Sportsmanship ribbon to. This is not an MVP award, but rather to acknowledge the player on the other team who exhibits the best values of positive sportsmanship towards teammates, officials, and opponents, treating others in the way of our Catholic values. Teams award their ribbons on their own immediately following their matches.
Q. What if I have a question or issue during the tournament?
A. Please see any of our tournament staff in the neon "Tournament Committee" T-shirts or polos. They will be able to assist you or will locate someone who can help with your question or issue.
Q. What training do your officials have?
A. All officials used in The Seton tournament are WIAA high school certified officials. Many have worked high school playoff matches or at the WIAA State Tournament. Many others we use are also USAV officials who work regional or national club tournaments or NCAA collegiate matches in addition to their WIAA certification.
Q. When the matches end where do spectators go?
A. Please follow the instructions of the tournament committee. Please remain off of the courts for player safety and to keep the playing surface usable for the next rounds. If there are remaining matches that day we would like to unite players and families as quickly as possible, then clear the area for the next matches to begin. Families are more than welcome to gather in concession or hallway areas.
Q. After the final matches on Sunday can we "storm the court"?
A. No! For the safety of players, coaches, and officials, please remain in the spectator area until instructed. Teams will still give out sportsmanship ribbons after the final matches and the tournament committee and photographer need to safely set up the awards ceremony. We will instruct you when you can safely celebrate the wonderful tournament experience with your teams.
Q. What awards do teams earn?
A. Teams who advance to the Final Four will all earn individual plaques with the Seton logo, division, and their place finish for their rostered players. In addition a larger team plaque identifying their place and the year will be awarded for their school. Teams that win their Division will also receive a large Seton Champion banner for their school gym. After every match in the tournament one player from each team will receive a Sportsmanship ribbon awarded by their opponent.
Q. Where will we be able to take pictures and talk to the players after the awards ceremony?
A. Please follow the directions of the tournament committee. Our photographer will be taking team pictures of the Final Four, then we will allow parents time to take photos. Please do not take photos until instructed or you will distort the team photos. We will give families time to take their team photos after our photographer and will wait for you to finish before moving on to the next team. For the Boys Division and Girls Division 2, once the awards are completed please move into the Julia Weber gym (small gym) or hallway to talk or talk additional photos so the next matches can begin warm-ups.
Q. Can schools in the Final Four order "runner up" or "Final Four" banners?
A. The Seton will not give award information or allow its logo to be used for schools to create their own banners. Our manufacturer is also instructed not to recreate the banners for anyone without our permission. While many schools have created their own "appearance" banners, The Seton championship banner design and layout should remain special for the schools that win them. It is a great accomplishment making the Final Four, which is why schools receive the plaques with the logo, division, place, and year from the tournament.
Q. Can we bring cowbells, slap slicks, or other artificial noisemakers to The Seton?
A. No. Per WIAA & Metro Volleyball Conference rules, artificial noisemakers, including megaphones, are NOT allowed.
Q. Can we bring posters, pom poms, flags, or other "spirit" items?
A. Yes, as long as all items are appropriate, positive signage, do not create artificial noise, and do not create a hazard on the court. Pom poms may not be used in the balcony at the Milwaukee Sting Center due to pieces falling on the playing surface. No items may be held over the railing at the Milwaukee Sting Center. The Seton reserves the right to restrict or confiscate any items it feels violate the rules or cause undue distraction or safety issue, or limit areas items can be displayed.
Q. Are tournament programs available?
A. Yes! Commemorative tournament programs containing each team's roster and team photo, as well as copies of the tournament bracket, team good luck Happy Ads, and sponsor information are available for purchase for $5 (cash or credit) at the admission tables while supplies last.
Q. Can I wish my team good luck in the tournament program?
A. Yes! When coaches accept an invitation they receive information on Happy Ads, which allow schools, parishes, and teams to create their own 1/2 page "good luck" ad.
Q. I have a business that would like to become a tournament sponsor or place an ad in the tournament program. How can I do that?
A. Seton Sponsor and Advertisement information is available on the SPONSORS tab on the top of the Seton homepage. Click on the flyer which contains the information needed to become a sponsor or place an ad in the program.
Q. Can I download the program online?
A. No. Programs are exclusively available in hard copy at the admissions tables.
Q. How old is The Seton tournament?
A. The Elizabeth Seton Volleyball Championships have been around since 2006.
Q. How many schools have won championships?
A. Of the 51 championships awarded (3 divisions each year), 26 different schools have won. St. Mary's Menomonee Falls has won 7 banners, with Holy Apostles taking home 6. Christ King has won 4 banners. Four schools have won 3 championships (St. Mary Visitation Elm Grove, St. Boniface, St. Francis Borgia, and St. Dominic), and four schools have won 2 championships (Waukesha Catholic, St. Mary's Burlington, St. Leonard, and St. Mary-Hales Corners).